Näetkö, kuka näkee Discord-profiilisi? Näin

Näetkö, kuka näkee Discord-profiilisi? Näin

Discord on yksi suosituimmista sosiaalisen median alustoista maailmanlaajuisesti. Tämän seurauksena miljoonat käyttäjät ovat aina verkossa ja valmiita puhumaan. Vaikka Discord tehtiin jakamaan ajatuksia samanhenkisten ihmisten kesken, koko yleisö on nyt siirtynyt pelaamiseen. Siitä on tullut stereotyyppinen, että jos rakastat pelaamista, sinun on oltava Discordissa. Vastaavasti, jos käytät Discordia, olet ehkä törmännyt kysymykseen, voitko nähdä, kuka katselee Discord-profiiliasi.

Jos harkitset myös Discord-profiilisi näkevien henkilöiden selvittämistä , olet oikeassa paikassa. Tässä oppaassa puhumme siitä, kuka näkee ristiriitaprofiilisi, ja keskustelemme myös siitä, onko se lähelläkään mahdollista vai ei. Aloitetaan.

Saako Discord nähdä kaikki profiilit? Näin

Discordissa sinun täytyy ensin liittyä palvelimelle ja sitten alkaa chattailla ihmisten kanssa ympäri maailmaa. Kun juttelet, voit myös ystävystyä heidän kanssaan ja tarkastella heidän profiilejaan. Voit tarkastella rajoittamattoman määrän profiileja.

Näetkö, kuka näkee Discord-profiilisi?

Näetkö, kuka näkee Discord-profiilisi?

Tällä hetkellä ei ole mahdollista nähdä, kuka katselee Discord-profiiliasi. Vaikka joissakin raporteissa väitetään, että Discord-profiilissasi on vaihtoehto, jonka avulla voit avata viimeisimmät profiilinäkymät, meidän tapauksessamme havaitsimme, että se on vain huijausta eikä mitään muuta.

As you can see from the image above, the image was sourced from Reddit. Some users are claiming that Discord has added support for showing how many people viewed your Discord, resulting in letting you know who views your profile. But again, Discord is another social media platform that spreads a lot of rumors and more than half is false.

Discord has a stringent privacy policy and other security concerns that it is handling very efficiently. While you are viewing anyone’s profile, you cannot know who viewed yours.

Discord also offers the option to lock your profile from unknown people or visitors. There are also family settings that allow your profile to be only viewed by your family members.

How to View Someone’s Discord Profile 2023?

Discord mainly works with the help of servers. And it is important to remember that you cannot chat on every server. There are specific network channels built in that allow you to speak with other group members; only there can you view someone’s Discord profile.

You simply have to click on their Profile Picture, often referred to as DP, and then you will be able to see all the information that person has put up, be it their date of birth or place of residence. If you aren’t friends with them, you cannot view their email addresses.

Even if you are not friends, you can view a lot of profiles. Similarly, if someone views your profile, you cannot recognize that.

How to Find Someone’s Profile on Discord?

If you want to find someone’s profile on Discord, you can do so by going to discord.id website and entering that person’s name. Now, you will see a list of all people with the same name. You have to recognize your friend from that list. Either way, if your friend shares their ID with you, then you can become friends.

But discord.id is a third-party website. If you are not comfortable or don’t wish to use that, you can also use the default built-in search tool. This tool is also extremely helpful and can find whoever the person you are looking for.

Simply click on the search button at the top, and type the name of the person you are looking for. Now, you will see the list of all people bearing the same name. Refine your search by looking at the profile picture and you should find your person.

Does Discord Notify About Profile Views?

As already said, there’s no feature in Discord that allows users to show who viewed their profile. Similarly, if you cannot see who viewed your profile, how can you expect that someone else will get notified when you view their profile?

As a result, you can view as many profiles on Discord as you wish and remain calm because the person won’t get a hint of that.

How to View Discord Profile Anonymously?

If you are still reading this guide, you should be well aware that Discord does not notify users about who viewed their profile. As a result, it doesn’t matter whose profile you view or block, and the person cannot identify who viewed their profile because that feature is simply not available.

Remember, at the time of writing, a professional Social media platform, only LinkedIn allows you to find out who viewed your profile, but that can again be edited using the privacy settings. However, this thing is only possible on LinkedIn

Besides, this is pssosibel on TrueCaller. But that’s a completely different story altogether. There’s no way to find out who views your profile on Discord.

Third-Party Application That Allows To Know Profile Views

It has come to our notice that there are plenty of third-party applications that attract people by simply saying that they can unlock who viewed their Discord Profile. Likewise, some third-party applications also promote that they can unlock your friend’s messages or streams they have been following.

Again, this is all a hoax. It is ridiculous how websites are scamming people into falling for sharing their ID, password, and whatnot just to tell you what those people are texting about.

Honestly, it is not possible at all. If it was possible, even with a software loophole, Discord would have patched it years ago. If you go with this option, all you will have left is a hacked Discord account after doing tons of surveys and downloading spam applications.

The Bottom Line

Siinä on kaikki, mitä meillä on täällä siitä, kuinka voit selvittää, kuka katselee profiiliasi Discordissa. Toivomme, että tämä opas on auttanut sinua. Nyt tiedät, että et voi tietää, kuka tarkastelee profiiliasi Discordissa . Jos sinulla on edelleen epäilyksiä tai kysymyksiä, muista kommentoida alla. Kerro meille myös, jos löydät muita kolmannen osapuolen sovelluksia tai verkkosivustoja, jotka lupaavat kertoa sinulle, kuka on katsonut profiilisi.

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